
Panhellenic Relationship IQ 101 Pajama Party and Q & 
An Event for all sororities!

Who: Greek Women & Pepperdine's Relationship IQ Team
What: Come in your Letters and PJ pants! Bring Pillows, blankies, what have you. The topic will be relationships - any sort y'all want to talk about.  The R-IQ team can talk about a lot of different relationship topics, but want to talk about whatever people want to hear about. There will be food and drinks served and a fun, romantic movie will be shown at the end!
When: Monday March 28th at 8 pm
Where: Fireside Room
Why: Who doesn't want to get cozy chat about relationships, and get a chance to hangout with fellow sorority sisters and other sorority friends while enjoying some good food and drink?!
So there you have it! Monday, March 28th @ 8pm in Fireside Room